Make Waves
What you do today, can change the world around you.
June 19
You can help others make peace.
In week three, we jump back to 1 Samuel 25:1-35, where we find a story about a woman named Abigail that starts with King David. He was furious with a man named Nabal, who mistreated his soldiers. David decided to get revenge until the man’s wife, Abigail, used her peacemaking skills and stopped something that could have been horrible. Even though she was not responsible for her husband’s offense, she realized she could play a role in making peace.
You can help others make peace. Peace is often about helping stop an argument before it can escalate into something worse. Acting as a peacemaker between others will take time and energy, but God can give us the strength to help others make peace. Sometimes our outside perspective is what someone might need to see a peaceful solution. We want kids to know that with God’s help, they can make waves by helping others make peace.