
We all have a tendency to judge and hate on others, but we often make those calls without all the facts. In other words, we can’t see the big picture. If we could, it’d probably be a lot easier to move from hating to understanding. Maybe that’s why the Bible makes it clear that when it comes to judgment, that call is God’s to make.

June 13

Drop The Rock

It’s intrinsic to our nature and culture to judge others, for better or for worse. But judgment isn’t our job. We’re neither equipped for it, nor are we called to do it. Talk to your student about a time you were judged unfairly. Talk about how it made you feel, how it shaped your self-perception, and how you handled it.

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Custom at Home brings the weekend worship experience to you wherever you are and helping you stay connected. You will find valuable resources and encouragment to help you grow in your faith. Take advantage of the same curriculum and materials that we use at Custom on the weekends.

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Make sure your students are following us on social media for daily devotionals and encouragement. But we would also like to keep you up to date with any information and resources that you should know about ahead of time.