Reconnect Build The Bridge
April 4
God made peace with us.
We kick off the month with something Paul writes about Jesus in Colossians 1:20 and John 20:1-18. On Easter Sunday, we want to make sure that kids know how they can have a relationship with Jesus. Throughout the entire Bible, we see God’s plan to make peace with us. In the second part the Colossians verse, Paul reminds us that it’s through what Jesus did on the cross that the world can be right with God again.
God went to great lengths to fix what was wrong between us and him. When God looked across humanity and saw the brokenness of our relationship with him, he proved he cared about us by sending Jesus, his only Son to die— to build a bridge and resolve the conflict that existed. Now, Jesus is alive, and we can have a relationship with God that lasts forever.