Run The Race
Commitment is about making a plan and putting it into practice. This month, we're going to train for a 5K together! We'll learn to put our plan into practice and run the race with more excitement and energy.
May 2
Keep practicing what matters most.
We kick off the month with something Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:24-25:. “So run in a way that will get you the prize. All who take part in the games train hard…” (NIrV)
Paul used running in a race as a way to talk about our relationship with God. A growing relationship with God isn’t something that happens overnight; we need to practice it. The verse sets up the rest of the month for how we can practice our faith.
Keep practicing what matters most. What matters most? We think it’s a growing relationship with Jesus. When it comes to getting things done, more often than not, you need a plan. The same is true in your relationship with Jesus. We hope your child will learn some practical steps to make a plan to prioritize growing an everyday faith in Jesus.