Raise Your Game
May 7
Share God’s Love With Others
We might try to base our confidence on what we do well, or what someone might say about us. But true confidence should be built on something different. We think it’s found in understanding how God is both big enough to create the universe, but also close enough to be right here with us. We know that we can trust God no matter what. We are created in God’s image. And God loves us so much! Nowhere is this more evident than in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And, when we trust Jesus with our lives, the Holy Spirit is there to help us face whatever comes our way. We can respond to God’s love and care with confidence!
We start off the month in Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:50-53, and Acts 1:1-11. Before Jesus went back to his Father, he gave his disciples a huge mission: to tell the world about Him. The message of Jesus is for everyone, and it was the disciples’ job to get the word out. Jesus promised that God would give them the confidence they needed to get the job done.
Share God’s love with others. Kids sometimes have a hard time understanding what it means to live out their faith in Jesus and share God’s love. This week, we hope they’ll understand Jesus’ mission, and also how they can put that mission into practice. We hope they realize that sharing God’s love isn’t as difficult as it might sound. We’ll help them discover all sorts of opportunities to help others throughout their week.