Check out Kidscoast At Home for valuable resources that empower you to lead your children through weekly worship experiences.

Kidscoast Goals

Equip & Empower

Equip and empower parents to lead their families spiritually.

Introduce Jesus Christ

Introduce children to the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Develop Leaders

We purposefully plan our time to develop influential leadership skills in our children.

Parent Resources

As a Kidscoast parent, we encourage you to take advantage of hundreds of articles and resources on a variety of parenting topics. You can also find great ways to engage with your child in every day moments together by downloading the Parent Cue that comes with our Kidscoast at Home lessons every week.

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Kidscoast at Home ›


Children and parents receive matching printed nametags and pick-up tags to ensure their safety in our environments. The child’s nametag identifies their age group, any allergies, and a security code that matches the parent pick-up tag. At the end of the service, each parent picking up a child must provide the pick-up tag to the door host. A member of the Kidscoast team will ensure the security codes match on both the child’s nametag and parent pick-up tag.

All Kidscoast volunteers receive a background check and do not serve alone.

For more information about our policies and procedures, visit Kidscoast FAQs.

Small Groups

Small groups give children a safe place to belong. Groups are open to newcomers and leaders are always excited to include new guests. Just like in the adult Seacoast service, our elementary-age children have the opportunity to respond to what God is saying to them by going to the cross and requesting prayer.

Nursery (Birth-24 Months)

Our mission is to show the love of Jesus to every baby and toddler, while playing, rocking, changing diapers, and singing to them. These little ones are prayed over and lovingly cared for during their time in Kidscoast.

Preschool (2-5 Years)

Little ones enjoy a creative place where they experience the stories of the Bible in dramatic and engaging ways. Our objective is to communicate to every child that God loves them!

Elementary (K - 5th Grade)

Elementary-age children experience God through worship, games, and interactive lessons that are relevant in their day-to-day lives and help apply God’s Word when navigating situations at school, home, and in their friendships.

Won by One

Won by One is Seacoast’s special needs ministry where children learn about the love of God in an area that is safe, fun, and suitable to their learning needs. This ministry offers families much-needed time for their own spiritual growth and renewal. Weekly Won by One services* include worship, group time, games, and crafts. We love to help children understand God’s Word and help them grow in their faith. Won by One Buddies who serve in this ministry build strong, loving relationships with the children, teens, and adults with special needs. All Buddies receive training to serve in this ministry.

*Please check to see if this ministry is available at your campus, and at which services.

Serving in Kidscoast

The Kidscoast Dream Team is made up of volunteers who serve within the children’s ministry of Seacoast. This team uses their gifts and talents to make it possible to reach hundreds of children across all Seacoast campuses with the life-giving message of the Gospel each weekend. While parents experience their worship service, children participate in exciting and active environments filled with worship, Bible teaching, and small groups.

Serve With Kidscoast

Kidscoast Events