Can’t join us in person? Try Kidscoast at Home. You’ll find weekly lessons, parent resources, and valuable encouragement that will help equip you to teach your children about God’s love.
What is Kidscoast?
Kidscoast is what we call our children's ministry for kids from birth to 5th grade. With great music and a ton of fun, your kids will learn about the Gospel in age-appropriate environments each weekend.
At Kidscoast our goals are to equip and empower parents to lead their families spiritually, introduce children to Jesus Christ and the hope of the Gospel, and purposefully plan our time to develop influential leadership skills in our volunteers.
Serve with KidscoastWhat is Kidscoast like?

Nursery (Birth – 24 Months)
Our mission is to show the love of Jesus to every baby and toddler, while playing, rocking, changing diapers, and singing to them. These little ones are prayed over and lovingly cared for during their time in Kidscoast.

Preschool (2-5 Years)
Little ones enjoy a creative place where they experience the stories of the Bible in dramatic and engaging ways. Our objective is to communicate to every child that God loves them!

Elementary (K - 5th Grade)
Elementary-age children experience God through worship, games, and interactive lessons that are relevant in their day-to-day lives and help apply God’s Word when navigating situations at school, home, and in their friendships.
Won by One
Won by One is Seacoast’s special needs ministry where children learn about the love of God in an area that is safe, fun, and suitable to their learning needs. This ministry offers families much-needed time for their own spiritual growth and renewal. Weekly Won by One services* include worship, group time, games, and crafts. We love to help children understand God’s Word and help them grow in their faith. Won by One Buddies who serve in this ministry build strong, loving relationships with the children, teens, and adults with special needs. All Buddies receive training to serve in this ministry.
*Please check to see if this ministry is available at your campus, and at which services.
Live it Out:
Discover how to love like Jesus!
Kids Camp is for current Kindergarten through 5th graders (2024-2025 school year). Select your Campus below to view dates and register.
Kids Camp FAQs
YES! We do not pre-assign kids into specific small groups. On the first day of Kids Camp, they should meet up in the foyer, then you will take them to a small group where they can stay together in that same group for the rest of the week. Keep in mind that each group has a maximum of about 10 kids per group, so once that group is full, kids will be directed to the next group.
YES! Kids Camp is open to anyone who wants to come. You do not have to be a member of Seacoast Church, nor do you have to be regular attenders of any church. We consider this an outreach event and encourage all kids to participate.
In the morning, doors will open 30 minutes prior to the start time. At the end of Kids Camp, parents will be held outside of the doors until all kids are in the Worship Center and ready for dismissal.
All kids will need to be escorted into the facility and checked-in by an adult. Park and come inside. Kids cannot be dropped off outside and walk in on their own. Each child will receive three printed tags: one that goes on the front of the child, one that goes to their small group leader for the group roster, and one that is a matching parent security tag for pick-up. The pick-up tag must be presented to the small group leader to receive a child after the event. Please note that a picture of the tag is permissible for pick-up. We encourage parents to take a picture of their tag in case the tag is misplaced, or if someone else is picking up their child. We will not release a child without the corresponding pick-up tag. If you forget or lose your parent security tag, please visit the registration desk for a replacement. You will need to have your driver’s license or other proof of identification.
Please let your child’s leader know at drop-off if someone other than you will be picking up your child. Be sure to give your child’s parent security tag or send a picture of it to that person. If that person does not have your child’s security tag, he/she will be asked to step aside until you can be contacted.
No. Don’t let the Kids Camp name mislead you. This event is a day camp at the church, not an overnight sleep-away camp.
No. After signing up for Kids Camp, your money is non-refundable. You may transfer your spot to someone else, but we will not refund your money.
YES! Before you register your child, please let us know if you need financial assistance. Applicants should fill out the Application for Financial Assistance on the Kids Camp website prior to registering. We will review each request and provide a discount code to be used at check-out. Because of generous donors, we can offer financial assistance to those in need. Please note, if you have already completed a paid registration, we cannot offer a refund.
YES! We expect to fill up quickly, so we encourage families to sign up early. Once Kids Camp is full, it is unlikely that we will be able to accommodate any more children. We will not start a waitlist and once the event is determined to be full, registration will be closed.
YES! On the volunteer registration, you can indicate your availability. For those unable to attend for the full event, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred area of serving, but rather place you where the greatest need is at that time.
YES! The Kids Camp small groups are generally divided by grade, but we have many blended groups! If you prefer that your kids stay together, who are in different grades, we suggest that the older child go with the younger one’s group. All of our games, crafts and lessons are geared toward specific ages, so if there is a large age gap between children (more than one grade) we would ask that each child stay in their appropriate group.
No. Pre-registration is required for this event.
YES! Please contact your campus contact to address any changes that need to be made for your preferred area to volunteer or to change/update any information on your child’s registration. However, once you have paid for a Kids Camp child registration, your money is transferrable, but non-refundable.
Kids Camp is for current 5K through 5th graders (2024-2025 school year). Some locations will offer a Preschool Kids Camp (childcare) for the volunteers’ children who are too young to attend. Each Kids Camp location determines the participating grades, and that determination is based on the space of the facility, number of volunteers available to serve, and with the safety of the children in mind.
For campus specific information, please click on the Kids Camp location to see details for their event. Be sure to indicate the grade your child is currently in for school year 2024-2025 on the registration to ensure they are in the correct group.
YES! On the child registration form there is a location to specify if your child has a physical or special need, what that need is and any other important issue that will help us better accommodate the child while at Kids Camp. If you would like to discuss whether Kids Camp is a good fit for your child before you register, please email the campus contact for your Kids Camp.
YES! Parents are welcome to be a part of the Kids Camp experience. If you need to be with your child throughout the week, we will ask that you go through a background check to travel with their group in order to provide for a safe and secure environment for the children. You will be expected to participate and help with other kids as needed.
Please sign up to serve with us at Kids Camp! The volunteer application form has a place to indicate the need for childcare (0-4 years old). At many locations, we offer childcare for infants and toddlers of our Kids Camp volunteers and a full Preschool Kids Camp curriculum for preschoolers of our volunteers. Space is limited, so register early.
No. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed. We want Kids Camp to be a distraction-free time for kids. Over the years, we have found that taking kids out of their regular routine of being on electronics, opens them up to hear from Jesus in ways they haven’t before. All of our leaders will have cell phones, so your child will have access to a phone if they need to reach you.
Please contact your campus-specific Kids Camp contact listed on the Kids Camp website.
YES! All medications will be kept with the Kids Camp nurse. We will keep it during the event and return it to you. Any allergies should be indicated on your child’s registration as well as their name tag. Please have it added at the time of check-in if it is not already listed on the child’s tag. You should also let your child’s leader know as well, so they are aware of the potential allergic reaction.
YES! We will post all food products being served at the event. An email will be sent prior to the event as well which will include the food list, including brand names. If your child needs an alternative snack, due to allergies, please bring it in a labeled bag to give to your child’s small group leader.
YES! We provide training for everyone serving at the event. Kids Camp is predominately a volunteer-led and staffed event. Each campus will have a designated Kids Camp volunteer training event that will be posted on the website. We believe in the concept of serving as a team, so all our volunteers are partnered with other leaders during the event. All adults who are 18 and older must have a cleared background check on file with the church.
Casual attire is best (shorts and t-shirt) with close-toed shoes (tennis shoes are preferred). Your child will have a game activity, and they will need to be dressed comfortably. Also, crafts can get a little messy, so wear something you don’t mind getting dirty.
As little as possible. They will be moving from room to room, and unnecessary stuff can get lost easily.
No. For the safety of all children, any visitor or parent will need to leave after dropping off their child in the Worship Center. We will have a designated area for parents to stand before we re-open doors for dismissal. Leaders will not release any child in the hallway before returning to the Worship Center. Please be considerate of our check-out process so we can ensure safety to everyone.
YES! We will offer an opportunity for families to pick-up their child’s Kids Camp T-shirt and print tags prior to the day of the event. Each Kids Camp location will communicate to their participants when and where to do so.
Kidscoast at Home
Children and parents receive matching printed nametags and pick-up tags to ensure their safety in our environments. The child’s nametag identifies their age group, any allergies, and a security code that matches the parent pick-up tag. At the end of the service, each parent picking up a child must provide the pick-up tag to the door host. A member of the Kidscoast team will ensure the security codes match on both the child’s nametag and parent pick-up tag.
All Kidscoast volunteers receive a background check and do not serve alone.
For more information about our policies and procedures, read our Kidscoast handbook and see our Kidscoast FAQ’s below.
Kidscoast Events
Yes. Every staff member and every volunteer who may have access to a minor undergoes our background check and reference check process. Background checks are updated regularly. Any person who may pose a threat to children, youth or vulnerable adults is prohibited from working in any ministry involving minors or vulnerable adults.
No. Seacoast has a two-adult rule. At least two, screened, unrelated adults must be present with a minor(s) at every function, in each classroom, vehicle or other enclosed areas during all activities with children. If the two-adult rule is not possible for any reason, we will implement the rule of three, in which at least 1 screened adult is present with a minimum of at least 3 individuals. The rule of three is only approved in situations where the minors are at least 5 years or older.
Yes. Seacoast locations have security camera footage in our children’s environments; our setup and tear-down locations actively partner with facility owners and adapt as we are able. Security footage may be accessed by Security personnel live during weekend services and/or viewable in archives for a specified period.
Yes. We have an experienced and highly trained Security Director who oversees Campus volunteer security teams. The Security Director helps to review policies, train security Dream Team members, and helps to ensure our policies and procedures are properly implemented. Many of our volunteer security team are current or former first-responders and security professionals. In addition to the Seacoast security team, Kidscoast ensures hallway monitors are in place during services. Hallway monitors are on constant watch and will notify the Seacoast security team as needed.
Upon arrival, children and parents receive matching printed nametags and pick-up tags to ensure safety in Kidscoast environments. The child’s nametag identifies their age group, any allergies, and a security code, which matches the parent pick-up tag. A parent pick-up tag is required to check-out a child from a Kidscoast environment.
No. While we believe that Kidscoast is the best place for your kids to hear the Gospel in a way that is accessible, fun, and designed just for them, they are welcome to join you in attending a service.
Men are not permitted to change diapers or take children to the restroom. There are to be no adults in the restrooms with children at any time. If there isn’t a bathroom in the classroom, two female volunteers may take the child to a nearby restroom, make sure it’s clear and send the child inside while volunteers wait outside with the door cracked open.