If you had to sum up your life in books, what would be on your bookshelf? Probably some books from when you were little—Berenstain Bears, or Eric Carle picture books, maybe. Harry Potter and the Narnia books as you grew older, perhaps. And as you entered adulthood, what books would you choose then? Some novels that helped you see the world differently, history or science titles that opened up hidden corners of the world?
Books have the power to transform our lives and we are the better for reading widely and often. This summer, what books are on your list? What—you say you don’t have a list? Well then you are in the right place! Below you will find a sampling of some of the titles we’ll be covering during our Summer Reading message series, as well as a few others.
This summer, discover some new authors. Read some books that stretch and challenge you. But whatever you read, the important thing is to READ. Let’s all get to the end of summer with a bookshelf that’s just a little bit heavier than when we started.
What about you? What books have made an impact in your life? What books have you been meaning to read, but just haven’t found the time? What books can you recommend to your friends that will help them grow?