A Dream For The Church, Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, our church needs to gather not just as individuals, but as a community bound by a shared vision, a vision that transcends the boundaries of space and time. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. once dreamt of a world united in equality, I stand before you with a dream of our own—a dream that Seacoast Church will realize that every step we take, every encounter we have, is an opportunity for a mission.

I have a dream that the members of Seacoast Church will awaken to the profound truth that everywhere we go is a missions field. From the bustling streets of our cities to the quiet corners of our neighborhoods, every place becomes sacred ground, waiting for us to sow seeds of love, compassion, and hope. Just as a farmer tends to each acre of land, we shall tend to the hearts of all we meet, nurturing the soil for faith to grow.

“I have a dream that each one of us will embrace the calling to live a life on mission.”

I have a dream that every face we encounter will be seen not just as a passerby, but as a missions opportunity. Just as Dr. King saw a future where his children would be judged by their character, not their skin color, we too should see beyond the surface and embrace the divine purpose within each person. Let us approach every stranger as a potential companion on our journey of faith, a chance to share our story, and to listen with open hearts.

I have a dream that each one of us will embrace the calling to live a life on mission. Just as Dr. King spoke of a day when all of God’s children would join hands, we shall join hands with one another in the mission of spreading love, kindness, and transformation. Our daily actions, no matter how small, will ripple through time, creating a legacy of goodwill that will inspire generations to come.

“Realizing that everywhere we go is a missions field, that everyone we meet is a missions opportunity, and that we are all called to live a life on mission, we shall see a transformation beyond our imagination.”

In this dream, Seacoast Church will not be confined by walls, but will be defined by the impact we create in the world. We shall be a beacon of light, guiding those lost in the darkness toward the shores of hope. Just as Dr. King’s words stirred hearts and ignited change, our actions shall speak louder than our words, and our mission shall resonate in the hearts of all who encounter us.

So let us march forward with unwavering faith, knowing that this dream is within our grasp. Let us carry the spirit of unity, compassion, and purpose as we navigate the vast oceans of life. Just as Dr. King’s dream shaped a nation, let our dream shape our church, our communities, and our world. For in realizing that everywhere we go is a missions field, that everyone we meet is a missions opportunity, and that we are all called to live a life on mission, we shall see a transformation beyond our imagination—a world touched by the love we share and the missions we embrace.