Getting To My Father’s House

Every Sunday, I stand in a room full of kids from so many cultural backgrounds—all coming together as one body—worshipping, playing, and praying together. I imagine heaven will look like this.

Come Hungry

These kids are a part of the North Charleston Campus’ Kidscoast family and they have a fire burning inside of them to learn about Christ and the truth presented in the Bible. Many of them will even walk or catch rides with neighborhood families in order to go to church—without a parent compelling them. One of the coolest stories I can remember is two young kids, a brother and a sister, who loved to come to church. They’d ride their bikes even if that meant riding in cold weather. Talk about hunger for the Word! I don’t know about you, but when I was their age, the only thing I was looking forward to about church was the Krispy Kreme donuts waiting for me when I got there. But these kids have such an eagerness to be at church.

Like Jesus

When I think of the kids who attend church with us on Sunday, I think of how Jesus must have been as a young boy. In Luke 2:46–52, when Mary and Joseph realize young Jesus is not with them, they go in search of him and find him in the temple in Jerusalem talking with the teachers, listening to the Word, and asking questions.

“They are eager to be in their Father’s house—even if they have to find a way to get there on their own.”

Why is this so huge? Even though he was Jesus, the Savior of the world, he still was a young kid who wanted to be in God’s house, learning God’s Word. So many kids at the North Charleston Campus are like a young Jesus in this way; they are eager to be in their Father’s house—even if they have to find a way to get there on their own.

I may be one of the honored adults in the room who get to share God’s Word with them, but these kids teach me every Sunday what it truly means to have the childlike faith Matthew 18:2–4 talks about. God has blessed this generation with the willingness and eagerness to want to find God, grow their faith, and share it with others.

What about you? Will you help make a difference in the lives of kids so eager to know the Lord? Serve as part of the Kidscoast family at the North Charleston Campus. Contact Alysha Brown, to help kids in 1st – 5th grade get to know and love God in safe and fun environments. They are world changers in the making!