What’s on your list of things you need to do, but keep putting off? Personally, I need to clean the gutters, reorganize the garage, and re-caulk the bathtub in one of the bathrooms. There’s more, but I’m trying not to think about it. What about you? Now that it’s getting warmer outside, your list, like mine, probably has some yardwork, or spring cleaning. Ok, what about this one: have you gotten around to making your will?
According to AARP, over half of Americans don’t have wills. Now, look – none of us *like* to think about stuff like this. Getting our end-of-life documents together means, well, acknowledging the end of life. Here’s the thing though—we can’t really leave legacies that matter without thinking about what we want to leave behind when we’re gone. The same principle applies to our finances. Being a good steward of what God has entrusted to us means planning for what will happen to our resources.
Making a plan for your finances means peace of mind for you and your family and it’s a chance to determine part of your legacy, here and now. There will always be a reason to put off getting this done. Some people don’t have time, others are concerned about the cost of getting a will. Let us help you with both of those.
We will soon be offering free estate planning seminars in partnership with Financial Planning Ministry (FPM.) FPM is a non-profit organization that has been helping Christians with their estate planning needs for over 35 years. Consider attending one of the upcoming seminars to learn more about Wills and Living trusts, and how to protect your financial legacy—all from a biblical perspective.
FPM will also offer to schedule follow-up individual appointments at a later date, so they can help to create an estate plan for you, or update your current one. There is no charge for their events or services, all they ask is that you consider leaving a legacy gift to a non-profit you are passionate about.
It’s easy to put off planning for the future, but we believe that sound financial planning includes planning for the future, today.