Seacoast Stories: Connect Weekend

Connect Weekend: Noah and Lauren’s Story

#Connect #Connect Weekend #Inside Track #Military #small groups
Noah and Lauren Davis understand the importance of finding a community, especially for military families. When military life began taking a serious toll on their [...]

Connect Weekend: Zoe’s Story

#Connect #Connect Weekend #Grow Your Faith #ISO #relationships #small groups
Zoe hopes her new apartment becomes a place of rest for her women’s small group. For the past six months, Zoe has worked to rebuild [...]

Finding Breakthrough With Community

#Connect Weekend #Grow Your Faith #small groups
During a dark season in Zach and Megan’s lives, they began to look for a church with an authentic and transparent feel. At the time, [...]

Not On Your Own

#Connect Weekend #Grow Your Faith #Johns Island Campus
When David Sohns was diagnosed with cancer, he and his wife Erin shared the news through tears with their Seacoast Johns Island family. They were [...]

Strength In Numbers: An Invitation To Find Friends

#Connect Weekend #Jack Hoey #Series #small groups #Strength In Numbers
When we think of the phrase “strength in numbers” we think of a crowd. An army, even. We imagine the power of the masses coming [...]

Taking Down Language Barriers

#Connect Weekend #Dream Team #small groups #Translation Team When Jessica Serrão arrived in Charleston from Brazil, she was invited to Seacoast, and soon began attending regularly. To immerse herself in the culture, [...]