Seacoast Stories: Griefshare
Defying a Legacy
#addiction #alcoholism #care #Dream Center #Encouragers #find god #Griefshare #Jasmine #Legacy #recovery #SisterhoodWe will all leave a legacy—and our choices will determine what kind. Yvonne hadn’t been to church since age 11—and she hadn’t even liked it [...]
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help
#Care Care Ministry #Griefshare #Grow Your Faith #Single Moms“But in the darkest of situations, in the darkest corners, God shines through in a way you would never experience otherwise.”
Honoring His Memory While Expanding Her Heart
#Grief #Griefshare #loss #Marines #Memorial Day #MilitaryReturning to The Basic School in Quantico, VA after a few days of intense Marine Corps training in the field, Shannon checked in her gear, [...]
Living with Loss
#care ministry #Debby DeRosa #Griefshare #Healing #organ donation #SisterhoodOn April 3, 2020, Wendy Sprintz lost her daughter, Jessica, to Sarcoma, an extremely rare form of cancer. Wendy had already gone through a divorce [...]
Surviving The Holidays After Loss
#Griefshare #Grow Your Faith #Make a DifferenceRepost from 2017 - Last year I was facing the holidays as a widow, and “survival” help was what I desperately needed.