Seacoast Stories: relationships
Connect Weekend: Zoe’s Story
#Connect #Connect Weekend #Grow Your Faith #ISO #relationships #small groupsZoe hopes her new apartment becomes a place of rest for her women’s small group. For the past six months, Zoe has worked to rebuild [...]
Dealing With Difficult People (You know…like you and me.)
#Chip Judd #Grow Your Faith #Holidays #relationshipsIf possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. ~ Romans 12:18 Each person must be responsible for himself. [...]
Relationships Can Be Hard, But This One’s Different
#Bible #Common Ground #find god #Love #prayer #relationshipsImagine you’re out with a friend one day and they announce that they’ve fallen in love. “That’s great!” you say, “who are they, what are [...]
Time Around and Under the Table
#Christmas #Family #Grief #loss #Marney McNall #relationships #small groupsRejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15 Only a few hours earlier, we’d finished digging his grave, the shovel scraping [...]