Seacoast Stories: Small Group
A Fresh Start
#find god #Giving #Small GroupSometimes you just need someone to give you a little push. If the leader of Will and Meredith Huggin’s married small group hadn’t encouraged the [...]
A Higher Level of Healing
#ADHD #Bagels #Bipolar Disorder #College/20s #Covid-19 #Depression #Make a Difference #OCD #Scotty Millen #Small Group #suicideThis is sort of a modern day loaves and fishes story, except it involves bagels. In April, some friends from my small group (College and [...]
A Woman’s Great Adventure
#At The Movies #Grow Your Faith #Small Group #Wonder WomanJoining my first small group this summer has been my best experience yet at Seacoast. We are reading a book together called Captivating by John [...]
Faithful Small Group Leader Says “See You Later” After Eleven Years
#custom #Graduation #High School #Jon Hohm #Kidscoast #Sandra Connell #Sarah Wolf #Small Group #summer campFor 11 years, Sandra Connell has faithfully led the same girls’ small group at Seacoast Church. She has been with the girls since they were [...]
Share Your Story: Seacoast Seniors Write Their Legacies
#Carol Wines #Discover Your Purpose #Seacoast Seniors #Seniors #Small Group #WritingCome and listen, all who honor God, and I will tell you what he has done for me. ~ Psalm 66:16 (GNTD) I started writing [...]
The Importance of Connection
#Columbia Campus #Grow Your Faith #Small GroupSometimes it seems like no one could possibly understand what you’re going through—but then you join a small group. God is a pro at bringing [...]
The Key To Peace, Joy, And Love Could Be Right Around The Corner
#Discover Your Purpose #Local Missions #Make a Difference #missions #Serve Day #Small GroupAt 24 years old, I found myself settling for a job that felt safe, yet what I really longed for was adventure. When a college [...]
The Risk of Community
#Community #Discover Your Purpose #Small GroupWe weren’t created to go through life alone and being a part of God’s family means that we never have to.