Seacoast Stories: small groups

And They Lived Happily Ever After…

#Dianna Kirkpatrick #Grow Your Faith #Marriage #Re|engage #Rick Kirkpatrick #small groups #Valentine's Day
When you began your relationship, did you think life together was going to be just like the fairy tales? Are you living the happily ever [...]

Attributes of Healthy Relationships: Effective Communication

#Communication #Jeremy Black #Marriage #Marriage Ministry #Re|engage #small groups
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been misunderstood in a conversation? Have you found yourself in an argument and wondered how you got there? I’m [...]

Connect Weekend: Noah and Lauren’s Story

#Connect #Connect Weekend #Inside Track #Military #small groups
Noah and Lauren Davis understand the importance of finding a community, especially for military families. When military life began taking a serious toll on their [...]

Connect Weekend: Zoe’s Story

#Connect #Connect Weekend #Grow Your Faith #ISO #relationships #small groups
Zoe hopes her new apartment becomes a place of rest for her women’s small group. For the past six months, Zoe has worked to rebuild [...]

Father’s Day: Revealing The Kryptonite Of Fatherhood

#Father's Day #Grow Your Faith #Our Team #Seacoast Staff #small groups
Dads are strong. They might even appear resilient, and more often than not, they look like superheroes to their children. But even the best dads [...]

Fighting for Marriage

#Debby DeRosa #Greenville Campus #Marriage #Men's Hike #small groups
In 2018, Travis Graham felt like his life was in shambles. During his years of military and police service, he had injured his back multiple [...]

Finding Breakthrough With Community

#Connect Weekend #Grow Your Faith #small groups
During a dark season in Zach and Megan’s lives, they began to look for a church with an authentic and transparent feel. At the time, [...]

Finding My Way

#find god #small groups #Welcome Home
My husband and I were not mega church, multisite people. I had to be divinely convinced Seacoast was where we belonged. For three months, we [...]

First Impression Leaves Lasting Impact

#Dream Team #Inside Track #Mac Mood #Make a Difference #Marney McNall #small groups #West Ashley
First impressions really do matter. When Harry Reimers and his wife Karen first walked into the West Ashley Campus, Pastor Mac Mood was the first [...]

Freedom from Anxiety

#Anxiety #Grow Your Faith #small groups
This week, we celebrate freedom. As a writer and a Christian, I am especially grateful for the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. [...]

Game Night Creates “Ohana”

#Grow Your Faith #small groups Shaun and Jessica Key’s small group started from a casual, summer game night at their house. Forming a group for married couples wasn’t our [...]

Helping Military Families Find Home

#Make a Difference #Matt Benton #Military #small groups #Veterans Day
We’ve all heard, “freedom isn’t free.” I certainly grew up hearing that phrase in my hometown—a Midwestern, red-blooded farming community in Illinois. Even as a [...]

Hope Can Spring From Your Darkest Moments

#Depression #Inside Track #Make a Difference #serving in church #SEU #Sisterhood #small groups #Summerville campus
For several months, Josefina endured watching her tiny son breathe through a respirator in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Initially his heart calmed when [...]

How To Have an All-in Marriage

#Grow Your Faith #Marriage #Marriage Ministry #Pastor Josh Walters #Re|engage #small groups
Often when we see an obstacle that scares us, we try to avoid it. But when we avoid a problem, all we are really doing [...]

Learn to Fight Well – Takeaways From The Revive Marriage Conference

#Bryan Hill #Chelsie Hill #Conflict #Grow Your Faith #Marriage #Marriage Ministry #Revive Marriage Conference #small groups #Summerville campus
Pastor Bryan and Chelsie Hill share what they learned at the Revive Marriage Conference, and how couples can "start small" to begin loving each other [...]

My Not-So-Glamorous Spiritual Gifts

#Greenville Campus #Make a Difference #small groups
When I went through my Seacoast campus’s Inside Track program, I took a spiritual gifts test and discovered one of my gifts was administration. I [...]

Strength In Numbers: An Invitation To Find Friends

#Connect Weekend #Jack Hoey #Series #small groups #Strength In Numbers
When we think of the phrase “strength in numbers” we think of a crowd. An army, even. We imagine the power of the masses coming [...]

Taking Down Language Barriers

#Connect Weekend #Dream Team #small groups #Translation Team When Jessica Serrão arrived in Charleston from Brazil, she was invited to Seacoast, and soon began attending regularly. To immerse herself in the culture, [...]

The Surprise Blessing Of Praying For Our Children

#Bible Study #Dana Martin #Mother's Day #prayer #Prayer Group #Rooted #Sisterhood #small groups
Has God ever surprised you? Has he met you in a way that you hoped for, but you didn’t even know how desperately you needed [...]

Time Around and Under the Table

#Christmas #Family #Grief #loss #Marney McNall #relationships #small groups
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15 Only a few hours earlier, we’d finished digging his grave, the shovel scraping [...]

Truly Seeing The Power Of Prayer

#care ministry #Healing #Marines #Mount Pleasant Campus #prayer #Rooted #small groups
This year, working at home one April morning, Ryan Savageau received a text message from his friend, Steve, with unsettling news. His wife, Jennifer, had [...]

Welcome Home

#small groups #Welcome Home
Whether you’ve been in a small group for years or this is your first small group ever, Welcome Home will give you the opportunity to [...]