Seacoast Stories: summer camp

Camp Changed My Life

#Camp #find god #myseacoaststory #summer camp
"Attending Summer Camp was the best decision I’ve ever made. And my relationship with God transformed."

Faithful Small Group Leader Says “See You Later” After Eleven Years

#custom #Graduation #High School #Jon Hohm #Kidscoast #Sandra Connell #Sarah Wolf #Small Group #summer camp
For 11 years, Sandra Connell has faithfully led the same girls’ small group at Seacoast Church. She has been with the girls since they were [...]

Reversing A Relapse

#Celebrate Recovery #custom #find god #SEU #summer camp As soon as her dad dropped her off at church and his car turned the corner, Kayla, then in middle school, would leave to [...]

The Power Of Camp

#Custom Students #summer camp
Power of Camp Four days. What if that’s all it takes for something to happen that you’ve been praying for, maybe for a long time? [...]