Lent: Names of Jesus

Beloved Son

Listen to today's devotional!
And behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17 (ESV)

Saturday mornings used to be for sleeping in and enjoying an extra cup of coffee, until our children reached an age where they could participate in recreational sports. That’s when Saturday morning turned into 8:00 am basketball games in a crowded gym with the rest of the town and their children. (They can fit a lot of tiny people onto one basketball court!)

We walked into the gym one Saturday morning (coffee in hand), ready to cheer on our youngest son, who was eager for his first game. He had spent years watching his older brothers play, and today was his turn. 

We enjoyed the excitement (and chaos), taking videos, and talking with other parents. When the game ended, we went to high-five the players and tell our son, “great game!” As we made eye contact with our son across the court, I could tell something was wrong. I’ve learned in these moments to wait on addressing concerns until the safety and confinement of the car ride home, and that’s where the tears came. Through a shaky voice and gasps for breath, he started apologizing for not scoring during the game. My husband and I were dumbstruck. Not once had we told him he needed to score! We reassured him we were there to watch him play and be a part of a team. We were not there for his performance. 

How often though do we, as believers, put the same pressure on ourselves to score—not in a game, but to achieve or find success in an effort to win God’s approval? 

There are three times in the New Testament where God speaks in an audible voice, and the baptism of Jesus is one of them. His voice comes down from Heaven, declaring the true identity of Jesus. “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased.” It is the mystery of the Trinity, all in one moment: God the Father speaking, Jesus the Son in the water, and the Holy Spirit descending as a dove. 

To be called “beloved” is to be completely and fully loved—a deeper love than we could possibly even understand. God refers to Jesus as his Beloved Son, and as believers, Jesus also refers to us as his beloved. “…as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child” Romans 8:16 (TPT.)

That Saturday morning, it broke our hearts to think our child would see us as disappointed because he didn’t make a basket—that our love was based on his performance on a basketball court. We reassured him there was nothing he could do to earn our love or approval. He already had it. And friends, so do we. Just as God calls his Son beloved, Jesus calls you the same. He is not here for our performance on earth, he just loves that we are a part of his team. 


As you reflect on today’s devotional, listen to the song, “Echo Holy”while you answer this question:

Is there a failure in your life you are allowing yourself to be defined by?