Show love with a Thanksgiving meal.
Since 2009, this annual tradition invites you to take part in loving others by providing food, time, or monetary donations to bless people in need on this holiday. Regardless of how big or small, your involvement can be part of something extraordinary when we work together.
Give or serve with your campus
This season, let’s express our gratitude to God by joining a SERVE team at one of our Lowcountry campuses.
Select a Campus to See Opportunities
Asheville Campus
Adopt-A-Block Friendsgiving
November 18 | 3:00pm–7:00pm
Families from our Adopt-A-Block communities will come together for a Friendsgiving dinner. Each family from that community will have the opportunity to receive a free Christmas tree.
Learn More
Irmo Campus
Join A Serve Team
November 23 | 8:00am–12:00pm
Provide a side of green beans, prepare, pack, or deliver Thanksgiving meals for families in the Chapin area.
Learn More
Mount Pleasant Campus
Give Financially
When you give $50, you can help provide a complete Thanksgiving dinner for families and neighbors in need. Any amount makes a difference.
Give Now
Provide A Side Dish
November 22 | 6:30am–8:30am
Donate a side of green beans, sweet potato casserole, mac & cheese, cookies/brownies, or rolls.
Drop off locations:
Mount Pleasant Campus: November 22, 6:30am–8:30am
North Charleston campus: November 22, 6:00am–4:00pm
Sign Up
Join a SERVE Team
Help prepare Thanksgiving meals by joining a SERVE Team.
Cooking/Turkey FryMeal PrepPickup/Distribution
North Charleston Campus
Give Financially
If you give $50, you can help provide a complete Thanksgiving dinner for families and neighbors in need. Any amount makes a difference.
Give Now
Provide a Side Dish
November 22:
The Dream Center will be collecting green beans, sweet potato casserole, mac & cheese, cookies/brownies, and rolls.
Drop off locations:
Mount Pleasant Campus: November 22, 6:30am–8:30am
North Charleston campus: November 22, 6:00am–4:00pm
Sign Up
Join a SERVE Team
Help prepare Thanksgiving meals by joining a SERVE Team.
Cooking/Turkey FryMeal PrepPickup/Distribution
Summerville Campus
Give Financially
If you give $50, you can help provide a complete Thanksgiving dinner for families and neighbors in need. Any amount makes a difference.
Give Now
Provide a Dinner Kit
October 29 – November 5: Pick up an empty box at your campus SERVE station.
Before November 16: Return box, full of the items listed, to your campus SERVE station.
See Dinner Kit Items
Please provide non-perishable items and ONLY the items listed.
Provide a Frozen Turkey
Saturday, November 18 | 7:30am-9:30am
Bring a frozen turkey to the Summerville Campus.
Sign Up
West Ashley Campus
Give Financially
If you give $50, you can help provide a complete Thanksgiving dinner for families and neighbors in need. Any amount makes a difference.
Give Now
Provide A Dinner Kit
October 29 – November 5
Pick up an empty box at the SERVE station, decorate, and fill it with non-perishable food items.
Before November 16
Return the box, full of the items listed, to the West Ashley Campus SERVE station.
See Dinner Kit Items
Donate A Turkey
Saturday, November 18 | 8:00am-10:00am
Bring a turkey to the West Ashley Campus and give to the distribution team.
Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
Matthew 14:13-21
Thanksgiving Dinner Kits
Please return the box complete with each item on the list and the specific amount requested.
3 – Canned Corn
1 – Canned Cranberry Sauce
2 – Boxed Macaroni and Cheese
1 – Boxed Mashed Potatoes
1 – Boxed Stuffing/Dressing
1 – Can/packet Gravy
1 – Box Corn Muffin Mix
1 – Brownie Mix
1 – Pack Marshmallows
1 – 29oz Canned Yams
4 – Canned Green Beans
1 – Canned Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 – Canned or Packaged Crispy Fried Onions
(Please provide non-perishable items and items listed only)