Seacoast Stories From Josh Walters
Group Therapy: The Challenges of Addiction
#addiction #Group Therapy #Grow Your Faith #The Counseling CenterOver 27% of Americans battle a condition that is not directly referenced in the Bible. Addiction. The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as [...]
How To Have an All-in Marriage
#Grow Your Faith #Marriage #Marriage Ministry #Pastor Josh Walters #Re|engage #small groupsOften when we see an obstacle that scares us, we try to avoid it. But when we avoid a problem, all we are really doing [...]
It’s All About Perspective
#Josh Walters #Katie Walters #Make a Difference #Marriage #Perspective #Valentine's DayWhen we got married in December of 2002, Katie was a guidance counselor and I was a youth pastor. I remember being so envious of [...]
For Those We Haven’t Met Yet
#Grow Your Faith #Imagine #myseacoaststoryWhat did your life look like 20 years ago? Were you about to get a driver’s license? Still in college? Starting a family? Chances are [...]