Don't face your fears alone.
November 20
You can do what you should because God is with you.
In week three, we head to Daniel 6 and a time period when God’s people were in captivity. Even in a foreign land that didn’t worship God, Daniel was known for faithfully praying to God. And when the leaders tried to trap him and have him killed, Daniel had courage and continued to honor God in spite of what could happen to him. Unfortunately, Daniel was caught and thrown into the lions’ den . . . but God was with Daniel and protected him by shutting the lions’ mouths.
You can do what you should because God is with you. Sometimes a kid might feel like they’re the only one of their friends who’s choosing to do what’s right. Moments like these can take a huge amount of courage.AskidslearnhowDanieltrustedGodand found courage to do the right thing, they’ll remember that God is always with them too. God can give them the strength and courage they need to keep making the wise choice.